A Winning Job Search Strategy

You’ve posted your resume online and are submitting resumes and cover letters for all the job openings that seem to fit you. Is there anything else you can do to look for a job? Absolutely! In fact, the more diverse your job-hunting strategy, the more effective it’s likely to be. Here are eight tactics you…

The Best Answers to 6 Common Job Interview Questions

When preparing for a job interview, most candidates are told to be ready to answer questions such as, “Tell me about yourself,” “What’s your greatest weakness?” and “Why are you right for this job?” While some companies may pose unusual hypothetical questions to assess your problem-solving skills or personality, you can almost certainly count on…

How To Be The Best Intern EVER!

Congratulations! You’ve landed an internship — one of the six things you must do to get your first job pre/post of your University life. You’re extremely excited. Now you’re faced with the real challenge: How will you leave your mark? Here are few tips to be the best intern. Since it may happen to be…

Bouncing Back From Unsuccessful Job Interviews

Bouncing back from unsuccessful job interviews You’ve spent so long going over the interview questions, researching about the company and their values; planning your journey and imagining how this job could fit perfectly into your life, only to find out you’ve been rejected. So much preparation, planning and effort go into an interview you so desperately…

Once Get Hired, What’s Next?

Once Get Hired, What’s Next? 1. Punctuality & Dress Code Don’t be late! Especially on your commencement date. First impression is always the Highest Priority which it shows a good attitude and personality towards the employer. Always arrived to your work place 30 minutes before your designated working hours, supplement with a proper attire will…